Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sexual orientation

To complete the topic, which comes from a previous post, we should consider 2 definitions:

1) Biology: Sexual orientation refers to what or who induces a sexual excitation in you. What kind of people and what part of that people. The most important division is that of male-female, or the pair of opposites homosexual-heterosexual, which refers to you having the same genre or not, respectively. But be aware what I said before about sexual identity (biological and psychological).

2) Behaviour: Here we refer to how you behave, it means who you have sexual relations with and how does your body "function" (or not) in those situations. From this point of view, a person can be biologically homosexual, but "function" bi-sexually, for instance.It can be weirder too, for instance a person who functions well in any situation, but he/she needs to be watching a porn movie. Here the bi-sexuality is not the topic, but the conditioning of the movie (he/she would not function without the movie, in this example). Believe or not, it is very posible to happen such things as this... I´m a licenciate in psychology, so I know what I´m talking about.

Sexual orientation is fixed, so you must learn to live with it (your´s and other´s)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I will tell you which values I believe in today.

I believe in the value of being yourself. I believe in the excelence which means you being really yourself, the best yourself you can achieve.

I believe in freedom with responsability. True freedom, without false morals, and true responsability, with true moral.

That is all I can tell you clearly for now.
"Moral", here, means "values".

Discerning and excelence

I believe that it is not vain nor facist to distingüish between things. "Discernment" it is said. "Discriminate", by the other hand, is a bad word today, so I avoid it. The important thing is to keep objectivity when analyzing, and subjectivity at the time of enjoying intimately. Well, that´s what I think...

The point is: ¿Is it useful/good/necessary/etc. (what you want) to distingüish between things, to discern, to see/point the limits? ¿Or is it better that all things be the same, like an amorphous mass, all equal, all with the same rights, etc. etc. etc.?
I think there are criteria as to say: excelent! or mediocre!

But I don´t have the habit to use a waste. In the worst cases, I simply recomend a change of heading or job.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why "Central"

It is common to understand virtue as the balance or "just middle". In this perspective, when there is excess of a quality it is called "vice" and when there is fault, "defect".

For instance: If I am prudent, if there is an excess of prudency, then it will be a vice of distrust. If there is a fault, then it will be a risky hurry (imprudence).
An excess of pasion, for instance can be luxury (a vice) when it is an excess of sensuality. When there is a fault, for instance a husband doesn´t satisfy his wife as debt, then it is a legal fault, posible cause of cancellation of marriage.

Now, it is well known that there are no universal rules about this, unless you consider as "rules" those that change on time and circumstances. Because each individual has its own duty. It is said for instance "the duty of a king", but only to simplify: each king has a different duty, because he rules over a different kingdom.

Then, the "just middle" or balance is not the highest point of Gauss curve (the "normal" stadistical curve), but it depends on the position that a certain individual occupies in the universal concert.
That said, you can sustain the "just middle" as a definition of virtue.
In other words: you need to take proportion on account.
For instance: for a 100% pasional individual, the "just middle" is the extreme: 100% pasional. But for an individual with a combination of qualities in different proportions, that combination is his "just middle". The trick, then, is that we don´t have pre-defined proportions, but we have to find them in the way of the life.
Then there is the time factor, because reality is dinamic. So we can find our center; but in the next instant we lose it. In fact, we go on centering and un-centering, alternatively. That means "change".

Sexual identity and sexual orientation

Sexual identity and sexual orientation:
Sexual identity is how you asume your self and how you show yourself publicly. "To asume" can be consciously or unconsciously.
If you are conscious, you can show; but if you are unconscious of it, then you just "appear" (you have poor or no control over it).
Appart from this, there is our real identity, which includes sex, genre and function. Our identity, the other one, also includes sex (biological), genre (psicological) and function (role).
Our real identity we can´t find it alone. The other one goes with us an entire life, and it is mutable, not fixed (not even biological sex, today).

About the other theme, we must learn how to live with our sexual orientation (and other people´s) because it is fixed.

Curiosity and omnisciencie

It is so boring to know everything!
Would it be that the cause of our curiosity?
(I don´t know you, but me...)

Real and reality

That which seems to be more real is the less real.


There are 2 big vices that cover our intelligence and delay our evolution:

1) To believe that we know other people´s intentions.
2) To dedicate our selves to activities that doesn´t match our nature (our own way to be and to do), nor our assumed social role.

Concerning (1) we can call it "conjecture" and also "judgement of intention". The tipical phrase would be: "he did it because..." or also "he did it for...". What do we know about causes of actions? What does the other know about it? Do we always act with absolute freedom or are there conditions?

Concerning (2) it is particularly harmful what I call "denigrant judgement". It consists in the habit to qualify other people negatively, specially with political or economic intentions.

Of course, there are people who -justly- dedicate to these activities. We could include all of them with the name of "judges", which refers to referees, critics, juries, and even the parental rol, when the father or the mother judge the actions of their children. In such cases we don´t consider the point (2).

A change of paradigm in science

Well, I will start by publishing some notes I took in the last months.
This one is from june 15:
If science limits itself to describing what it sees, then it will be no evolution. "Survival of the fitness" and "struggle for life" has been the law, now its time to a change of paradigm.

I have not much faith in "science", but I do recognize its existence. In fact, it is posible to notice such a change of paradigm. Scientists are today much more inclined to elaborate theoretical models, even when they lack enough proofs to sustain them. In other words: they have learned to use (also) their fantasy, their imagination.

You must know that I am graduated and I have my titles, so I know what I am talking about.

We have still to see which and how can be the new paradigm. Do you have some ideas? (this post is about evolution, as you may have noticed).

Monday, July 23, 2007

Language (idioma)

This blog exists also in spanish. It can be found here: http://centraldelsur.blogspot.com/
This english version was discontinued. The spanish version is up-to-date with lots of more and more interesting topics. TAKE A LOOK!


I don´t like to have too many plans for my life, and so for my blog; but I advise to any "blogger" to put a post with this title: "objectives". Life need an objective, a dream, an ilusion; even "without objectives" is fine.

My objective on this blog is, simply, to share and to co-laborate; so I wait for a lot of commentaries to my posts. ¡Do it! and ¡thanks!