I have promised to write about this. I want that you understand that what I am going to say is pure sincerity. I dont look for making a "show".
Life, this life, has trained me to do what I am doing.
From childhood I learnt to read and write very well, I even wrote my first poetry at eight years, and they were very good, with neologisms and all :D
My high-school I made in the most prestigious school of Argentina, or the second maybe, with humanistic education. Ther I learnt practically speaking all the phillosophy, literature, history and culture of occident until XX century, or at least all that I needed to learn. What I learnt was completed later on. Of course, there is a lot I dont know, but there is no point on knowing all, one must only know what one needs for doing his job.
In university I studied Psychology and learnt what I had missed in high-school, specially the XX century, and I had a more "scientific" vision of life.
Leaving college, I dedicated a pair of years to "having a good life" with my girlfriend with whom we had shared five years visiting each other. We decided to move on toghether and rent a house. That lasted one year. Then there came a terrible economic crisis here in Argentina and also she saw the opportunity to go to Europe and obtain spanish citizenship. So we decided to separate.
Being alone again, I started asking myself about the matters that today I am interested on and writing in this blog. I had a series of extraordinary experiences, including a "tour" out of my body -being awake- towards a luminic region (later I would understand that was the "brahmajyoti" where bhudas go when they renounce everything).
Then I dedicated myself to traveling and knowing, simply inside my country, which has so many things. At the same time or a bit before, I had found some books from my grandfather with oriental themes, from acupuntre and breath science to bhudism, zen and even a translation from Aldous Huxley of Bhagavad-Gita. I met people, yoguis and tibetan bhudists and some others, like aboriginal people...
Today, my philosophy follows mainly hinduism or more properly said "vedic culture". This culture contains in itself all things, all types of philosophy, including atomic materialism, all religions, all life styles, of course always with an "oriental" touch (all "oriental" is more subtle, more soft and luminic than "occidental", which is its opposite).
My headbook, which I consider the most important to read for everybody, is the Bhagavad-Gita. Other oriental philosophies are also important, like for instance through the re-evolutionary links of this blog I promote pages where there are exposed the advaita (non-dual) philosophy and the Tao... but those same philosophies are included into the Bhagavad-Gita. The translation that I prefer is that of Prabhupada ("Bhagavad-Gita as It is"), specially because it has the sanskrit original texts and the word-by-word translation (and me, knowing latin and ancient greek and some modern idioms, I could compare it with others and make my own conclusions...)
The Bhagavad-Gita doesn't close your mind, instead it opens questions for you, important questions. For that same reason, it must be completed with what is called in orient "the spiritual master". Simply, you must realize that in the same way as there are in your life a "better friend", a "father", a "mother", a "love of your life", a "confident"... there is also the post of "life master" or "spiritual master". It is as any other master of any profesion, but this master is special, because he teaches you about life itself, about being and existence. If you read the Bhagavad-Gita (as it is), then the next step is being on expectative, because soon you will be able to recognize by yourself your "master of life": he will be present in your life one way or another. You must understand that it is a function, that anybody could incarnate for you. And at the same time, not anybody: you yourself will need to recognize who you can trust to assume such an important part in your life. Nobody can make it for you...
The "master of life" can come after many previous intents. For instance, if you are reading this, in some way I myself am serving you as "master" as I am teaching you these things. That doesn't mean that I am going to be your "master of life", but if you want you can guide yourself with all or some of the ideas of this blog, until you find him. Simply look around you, the same Matrix or Nature will provide you with such a master.
Simply stay tunned to recognize him, because there are a lot of fake people that teach totally false things that people incredibly believes to be true. I think I will dedicate a post exclusivelly to uncover such false doctrines, even when I have spoken some things about it in previous posts, for instance about the infamous "atraction law" and all its derivatives.
I want to say it clearly: you can trust me. I do not dedicate myself to cheat people. I have no business in this world. I am (almost) totally free. My economic necesities are satisfied almost without effort from my part. I have all the time in the world at my disposition. Some time ago I decided to leave this world in the yoguis´ way and I went to the mountain for some days. From my meditation it came out the sense of helping other to "awaken" from ilusion and that is why I came back, so there is nothing tieing me nor ilusion that clouds my inteligence... Well, unless I become too proud, because when you become too proud then ilusion teaches us some humility ;)
I am not warried about the quanity of hearing people, I am not speaking to masses, but to those that are already advanced to understand. My objective is that such persons become enthousiastic in colaborating to expand this knowledge for free to population, with their own voice and style. If you are such a person, please colaborate.